2024- 2025 Strategic Plan Key Focus Areas


This new dashboard isupdated quarterly and shows the progress on the strategic objectives for each area. You can see the overall status of each KFA, but also dig into each objective to see if they are completed, on track, or experiencing some disruption. A brief explanation from staff provides additional insight into the project as of the end of Q3 (through June). The next updates will be made at the end of Q4 (through September).

Vision Statement:

The Town of Addison is the benchmark for a diverse, vibrant, innovative, and connected community. Along with our services delivered the Addison Way, our unique places and experiences enhance the quality of life of our residents, businesses, workers, and visitors and makes Addison the place to live, work, and visit.

Strategic Plan:

Based on 3 Tiers:

  • → Key Focus Area (KFA) – key areas around which we build our efforts.
    • → Strategic Objectives – top ways that we succeed in our Key Focus Areas (approx. 3-7 per area).
      • → Initiatives or Projects – specific means by which we accomplish our strategic objectives.

KFA: Public Safety

  • Strategic Objective: Retain, recruit, and train quality employees in the Addison Way and provide adequate resources (facilities, tools, equipment, etc).
    • Continue providing screening, programs, and resources for mental health wellness for first responders.
    • Implement promotional support practices to help Police Officers and Firefighters successfully transition to new leadership roles.
    • Complete implementation and training on updated Police Policy Manual using new Lexipol system.
    • Complete implementation and training on Police personnel management dashboard (LEFTA) to improve tracking of training, certifications, and internal documents.
    • Work with North Texas Emergency Communications Center (NTECC) partners to evaluate and select a long-term facility option for joint dispatch center.
  • Strategic Objective: Proactively enforce and strengthen Town zoning, building, and health and safety codes.
    • Complete, adopt, and implement the Addison Unified Development Code (UDC).
    • Adopt the 2024 International Building Code Set.
    • Staff the Neighborhood Services division and develop education and outreach programs to residents, property owners, and businesses.
    • Develop and implement a rental housing and lodging registration and inspection program to improve safety.
  • Strategic Objective: Prepare for the impact of new growth, redevelopment, and density.
    • Complete the Public Safety Staffing assessment with Matrix Consulting to analyze and plan for current and future staffing and deployment needs for Police and Fire.
  • Strategic Objective: Continuously evaluate response needs to changing environment.
    • Enhance coordination with outside partners, such as Housing Forward and Metrocrest Services, for outreach and services to individuals in need.
    • Strengthen emergency management program and leverage outside agencies and resources.
  • Strategic Objective: Leverage technology to address issues.
    • Continue to analyze data and collaborate with partner agencies to protect lives and property.
    • Find and implement a platform to provide crime data in a public-facing portal.
    • Evaluate the possibility of using drone technology for real-time information during public safety responses or events.
    • Consider funding to acquire and use dash and helmet cameras in certain Fire incidents as a tool for training and post incident analysis.
    • Install 911 trailmarkers on various trails to assist with identifying location for first responders.
    • Evaluate License Plate Recognition cameras network and additional locations throughout the town.

KFA: Economic Development and Revitalization

  • Strategic Objective: Pursue new economic development and zoning tools to revitalize declining areas.
    • Explore new tools or grant programs with property owners to adapt buildings to the needs of the modern workforce.
    • Consider economic development and zoning tools for redevelopment and revitalization of Inwood corridor.
    • Implement the Retail Façade Improvement Program.
  • Strategic Objective: Implement the Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) and leverage that investment as a catalyst to improve the surrounding area.
    • Finalize and approve the definitive agreements with the co-developers.
    • Finalize and approve the DART ground lease agreement.
  • Strategic Objective: Provide premium development in all forms through the vision established in the Town’s new comprehensive plan.
    • Complete the Advance Addison 2050 Comprehensive Plan and begin executing near-term implementation actions.
    •  Explore potential economic development tools to meet our housing goals.
    • Target townhome and condo developers and gain market insights.
  • Strategic Objective: Optimize and market Addison’s brand, uniqueness, and our “Addison Way” culture.
    • Create a new economic development advertising strategy and campaign to attract new businesses.
    • Create marketing collateral that provides key community and economic data for potential prospects.
  • Strategic Objective: Leverage the Addison Airport to maximize business growth and expansion.
    • Begin update to the Airport Master Plan and phases for community participation and input.
    • Consider land use policy, zoning regulations, and potential incentive programs that encourage redevelopment of Airport adjacent properties.
  • Strategic Objective: Revitalize existing hotels and attract high quality hotel and meeting space options.
    • Present a plan and consider development of a Tourism Public Improvement District (TPID) to generate increased leisure, business, and large group business.
    • Develop and launch a comprehensive tourism website.

KFA: Mobility and Connectivity

  • Strategic Objective: Facilitate build-out of Addison as a major North Dallas transportation HUB.
    • Begin and complete construction of the Taxiway Bravo Extension Phase 1 at the Addison Airport.
    • Work with NCTCOG to complete conceptual plans for Quorum Road bike lane study and pursue grant funding for implementation.
    • Complete design plans for Beltway bike lane and pedestrian trail project.
  • Strategic Objective: Improve East-West pedestrian connectivity.
    • Complete concept plans for Belt Line NTTA Pedestrian crossing and pursue grant funding for implementation.
    • Develop plans for trail segments (Town Hall, Finance Building, and Winnwood Park) that will connect east and west.
    • Begin discussions with partnering municipalities and property owners to develop solutions to barriers of an East-West trail connection.
  • Strategic Objective: Update and implement Master Transportation Plan (MTP).
    • Hire a consultant to update the MTP to match Advance Addison 2050 Comprehensive Plan.
  • Strategic Objective: Address first mile/last mile TOD connectivity.
    • Work with DART on potential connector program.
  • Strategic Objective: Connect major destinations in Town.
    • Work with NCTCOG on pedestrian studies and potential connections in Town and regionally.
  • Strategic Objective: Improve pedestrian safety.
    • Complete upgrade of the traffic signals and ADA ramps at three intersections funded in FY24.
    • Seek outside funding, such as TxDOT funds, to add pedestrian crossing safety measures at several, high-traffic locations.

KFA: Infrastructure Development and Maintenance

  • Strategic Objective: Continue to invest in and maintain our Asset Management Plan.
    • Leverage Asset Management System to identify infrastructure needs and prioritize funding requests as part of the FY25 budget process.
    • Complete upgrade of SCADA system technology and update the control panel at the Kellway Lift Station.
    • Present and consider funding for upgrade of Town’s water meter system.
    • Begin reconstruction of Keller Springs Road (from Dallas North Tollway to Addison Road).
    • Continue design phase for reconstruction of Quorum Drive (from Dallas North Tollway to DART Rail Right-of-Way).
    • Complete design phase and begin reconstruction of Monfort Drive.
    • Complete the Midway Road revitalization project.
    • Begin and complete improvements for Les Lacs Pond.
    • Execute Facilities projects and improvements funded in FY24 Budget and in the 2019 Bond Program (e.g. Police & Courts facility maintenance, Addison Athletic Club projects).
  • Strategic Objective: Evaluate infrastructure needs for new development and redevelopment staying true with Addison brand.
    • Complete parkland dedication and development study, present recommendations, and begin implementation.
    • Implement the Neighborhood Vitality Grant Program for screening wall maintenance.
    • Update Water and Wastewater Master Plans alongside the 2050 Comprehensive Plan to predict and plan for future needs.
    • Set-up and implement AI tool to evaluate real-time impacts of proposed developments on our water and wastewater systems.
    • Identify alternate funding sources for infrastructure needs by partnering with other agencies such as TxDOT or Dallas County.

KFA: Financial Health and Organizational Excellence

  • Strategic Objective: Attract, retain, and develop top tier employees.
    • Consider annual employee compensation and benefits during FY25 Budget process.
    • Explore non-traditional benefits and review competitiveness of current benefits, such as holidays and leave accruals.
    • Automate and enhance annual benefits open enrollment process, total compensation statements to employees, preboarding and onboarding process for new employees, and performance evaluation process.
    • Invest in employee development and training, including creating internal training for supervisors and leaders.
    • Restructure employee engagement and appreciation programs and events.
  • Strategic Objective: Implement continuous improvement and business process efficiencies maximizing the Addison way and brand.
    • Develop a policy administration process for the employee handbook and update policies.
    • Implement Diligent robotics to provide oversight of internal controls in Finance.
    • Implement new Utility Billing portal.
    • Implement PaymentWorks to enhance vendor self-service and fraud prevention.
    • Replace the Town’s permit management software.
  • Strategic Objective: Maintain credit rating and a fiscally resilient budget process.
    • Continue compliance with the Town’s fund balance policies.
    • Continue enhancement of the Long-Term Financial Plan.
    • Develop an internal Resource Maximization Committee to identify cost savings and efficiencies through the FY25 Budget process.
  • Strategic Objective: Explore opportunities for consolidating and/or expanding Town facilities.
    • Consider options and funding for new or remodeled Town facilities and maintenance of existing facilities with Addison brand in mind.
    • Proceed with consideration for a plan and funding for Police & Courts facility.
    • Implement security enhancements at Town facilities.

KFA: Community Engagement

  • Strategic Objective: Develop a pathway for future community leaders.
    • Host an annual Citizen’s Academy.
  • Strategic Objective: Create meaningful short-term service opportunities.
    • Launch new software to efficiently schedule and promote volunteer opportunities.
    • Expand volunteer opportunities through the Town and in coordination with other partners.
    • Host two (2) Town-initiated community clean-up events.
  • Strategic Objective: Use innovative approaches to marketing and engagement the Addison Way.
    • Maintain community outreach programs and efforts to meet people where they’re at and develop plans to target populations.
    • Conduct semi-annual engagement and coordination meetings for multifamily property managers.
    • Create defined guidelines for the use of neighborhood meetings in the zoning process.
    • Implement a tool to share information on proposed zoning changes through the website.
  • Strategic Objective: Leverage the Addison brand through the Addison website and social media.
    • Develop and launch an interactive Town website featuring user-centric design.
    • Continue to expand collaborations and content creation on social media to expand our reach.
    • Launch Envisio software to report on progress of the Strategic Plan throughout the year.

KFA: Vibrant Active Community

  • Strategic Objective: Extend the resident and visitor experience by activating our community parks and Town assets.
    • Complete the Addison Theatre Study and consider recommendations for the facility and programming.
    • Develop the Addison Circle Park Vision Plan and begin implementation of the plan.
  • Strategic Objective: Enhance Addison gateways and visual appeal of streetscapes to optimize Addison brand.
    • Develop and install wayfinding signs.
    • Cover traffic control boxes in artwork to increase visual appeal and leverage for marketing and community engagement purposes.
  • Strategic Objective: Vision & create special moments that make people want to be in Addison (arts, events, AAC, markets) to optimize the Addison brand.
    • Launch new tourism advertising campaign to optimize the brand and attract visitors to Addison.
    • Leverage Addison public art, placemaking, programming, and dining options to attract visitors to Addison.
    • Refresh and expand Taste Addison to drive increased visitors and provide an enhanced event experience.
    • Refresh and expand KaboomTown to drive increased visitors and provide an enhanced event experience.
    • Refresh and expand Oktoberfest to drive increased visitors and provide an enhanced event experience.